High-mag Zoom Microscope DZ4

Zoom Ratio of 14 : DZ4 is the first TV monitor based microscope in the world that has achieved the zoom ratio of as high as 14 Total Magnification of 30x to 5880x (with 1/2 CCD and 19" monitor) (This range is obtained by use of multiple objectives/) It can provide breath-takingly high resolution. DZ4 is ideal as an image input device for image analysis system.


  • Semiconductors & Electronics
  • Metals (Surface Finish, FO Inspection, Characters on CD, etc)
  • Chemical Materials

Zoom Ratio


Image Size

8mm with 1/2 CCD

Length Over All

179.2mm (the distance between the objective attachment and C mount flange face)


approx. 990g



0.5x to 7x (30x to 420x)*


1.5x to 21x (90x to 1260x)*


5x to 70x (300x to 4200x)*


7x to 98x (420x to 5880x)*

*Total magnification data in ( ) are based on the use of 1/2" CCD and 19" monitor.

Seek Inter Corporation Limited.
53/69 Sukhumvit 103 Nongbon Praves Bangkok 10260 Thailand
Tel. (662)7472155 Fax (662) 7473155
E-mail : sales@seekscope.com
Website : http://www.seekscope.com